COPY AND DISTRIBUTE YOUR STRUCTURE: TYPES OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURES SIDE A Key Organizational Questions Keep these questions in mind as you select among organizational structures. WHAT is your bywayÕs purpose? What organizational structures will best meet your needs? WHO is interested in, or impacted by, what happens to the byway corridor? How will the diversity of interests be represented? WHERE is the corridor located? State, federal, or private lands? WHO will provide human and financial support? Citizen volunteers? Government employees? Local businesses? SIDE B Key Organizational Questions (continued) * WHAT are your funding sources? Federal? State? Local? Private? Corporate? Individual? * HOW will finances be handled? Fiscal agent? Incorporation? * WHAT needs are not being met by your current organizational structure? Making the Grassroots Grow: Building and Maintaining Effective Byway Organizations Created by AmericaÕs Byways Resource Center